Month: April 2015

How to revolutionize any industry

I can’t count the number of industries that are ripe for revolution. They’re just sitting there waiting to be transformed and nobody is doing it, or at least not enough people are doing it. Take gyms for example. It used to be enough to pay a monthly fee to access the gym. Now that monthly fee is like a cover…

Spring cleaning, throw out old ideas

If you’re like me, you amass a million stickies containing ideas that in the moment seemed so important you had to get out of bed, scramble for a piece of paper and jot them down. These pile up. Even if you’re diligent about collecting them, will you really go through them? And when you do, will you be able to…

Should I trust this code style guide?

There are a plethora of code style guides online to help you write better code. But many of them fail to give you the context to make your own decisions. This video shows what to watch for when reading style guides. And if you have your own style guide, how to make it reasonable. And, if you really want help…