Tag: learning

Relative learning

Ten years ago, TVs were bigger, heavier and simpler than the TVs we’re buying today. Although TVs today are more sophisticated they still require electricity. They have a power button. They have a remote. They have inputs and outputs. And they still allow us to watch shows and movies. The type of power button and location are no doubt different.…

What to do after learning

When’s the last time you acknowledged you completed a learning challenge? When’s the last time you feel you completed a learning challenge? Most of the time learning fizzles from burn out. Usually because there’s not a clear objective nor benefit What if learning were tactical? In and out with clear objectives and visible success. To get there, you’ll need to…

What to do during learning

Once you’ve established an objective here are some tips to help stay on target when learning. Leverage expertise You always have a spectrum of expertise at your disposal. It’s up to you to tap into it. So many people refuse to spend any money to further their learning. It’s really sad, because consuming and applying information is almost always more…

What to do before learning

It’s valuable to employ a multifaceted approach to learning. Whatever approach you take, in any substantial learning opportunity there are a few things you should consider before you begin. Why? Because haphazard learning is about as effective as not learning at all. It leads to the learn-lose cycle. 1. Understand how you plan to use the knowledge. Do you have…

Learning inadequacy

A slavish sense of inadequacy is the number one failure with the way most people approach learning. Let’s get one thing out of the way, you can’t know everything. You can’t even begin to know everything within your industry. You can’t even begin to know everything within your expertise. You could spend all your life reading written knowledge alone, and…

The learn-lose cycle of learning

Learning, or acquiring knowledge, is always followed by forgetting: Ineffective learning results in a cycle of learning followed by forgetting. It leads to the learn-lose cycle: In extreme cases, this style of learning is no better than not learning at all.

Planting seeds of knowledge

Exposure learning is great for understanding the big picture. To understand concepts and benefits without delving into details that will be forgotten. To survey the landscape. Ideally you’ll walk away with benefits in mind and some understanding of when you can apply the concepts to attain said benefits. But that’s not always the case. And it need not be. Much…

Exposure learning – the big picture

Effective learning requires a multifaceted approach to avoid a learn-lose cycle of knowledge acquisition. Not every opportunity to learn requires the same technique. Recognizing the different ways you learn gives you the ability to fine tune your approach. Not recognizing the different ways means you’ll likely blend techniques and experience sub-optimal results. You might be in a learn lose cycle…

Strategic learning

Anyone with a modicum of passion for learning can become overwhelmed managing all the directions their mind would like to take them. You need a strategy if you want to manage your learning. Otherwise, your learning will likely manage you. Take a minute and think about three learning situations from the last month. Situations where you acquired knowledge. For each…

Proudly learned elsewhere

Not invented here explains the mystery of why organizations re-invent what has already been done well by others. Sometimes it’s a tribal thing, if we didn’t make it: it could be dangerous, we could become dependent, or it won’t fit our needs. Most of the time these fears are irrational. Sometimes it’s a matter of cost. Many people ignore options…